Wednesday, September 24, 2014

the Laundry Fairy is up next on the Blog Tour...fasten your seat belts!

The next stop on the Blog Tour is apparently in my laundry room!!  Mackenzie from Mommy Needs a Swear Jar asked me to be the next stop on her blog tour.  Mackenzie writes the most fabulous blogs, is totally relatable...and occasionally lets a curse word or two slip out, but promptly adds money to her swear jar for safe measure.  I just love her blog and her humor, and the way her writing sucks me in.  Thanks Mackenzie for asking me to keep this tour going and dropping asking me to take a turn in the hot seat.

1.  What are you working on?  To be completely honest, what I am working on right this very moment is putting away stacks of laundry.  I am sure you meant, what am I working on, as in actually writing about, but I was just being honest.  So, back to the question...I will try to answer it better.  I am currently writing a little blog post about my son.  I'm not one to post on serious, lovey dovey stuff, but this one will be kind of like that.  I'm almost done with it...and not sure what is next in line on the writing front.

2.  Why do I write?  I am a stay at home mama with a house full of chores, and laundry, and groceries, and dust...and am completely alone from the hours of 8-3.  I have lots of thoughts throughout the day about scheduling, and cooking, and washing windows, and scrubbing toilets, and cleaning out closets...BUT sometimes I just want to sit and write.  It makes me happy.  Letting the words magically go from my head, down my neck, through my arms and spit out of the tips of my fingers onto the keyboard.  It is quite magical how that happens.  My 3 children (12 year old son, and 10 year old twin daughters) give me endless stuff to think and write about.

3.  How does my writing differ from others in my genre?  I try to focus my writing on more of a storytelling style.  I want you to be able to visualize exactly what I am talking about.  Almost as if you are in the room with me, as I am telling you a story.  I love descriptions, and I want my readers to feel as if they are truly connected.  If it happens to me, then it could most certainly happen to them.  I don't want to give advice or try to solve the world's problems, I just want to share a little laugh through my personal experience.

4.  How does my creative process work?  I very seldom sit down and make a draft of anything without finishing it and posting it.  I don't like to have something started, just sitting there waiting for me to wrap it up.  I get ideas for posts when I am driving down the road, or in the check out line at the grocery store, and sometimes when I lay down to try to go to sleep...they just simply come to me.  I find myself making notes and jotting down ideas whenever they strike.  People watching has proven to give me some of my best material...that, as well as watching my own spawn interact with each other.

Since I hate talking about myself, I can say I am thrilled to be able to pass the tour on over to these fine bloggers.  Go over and check them won't be let down.

Life With the Bearded J's
Meet Jenny!!

1. I am a SAHM to three kids, 2 dogs, 5 fish and one bearded man-child. My days are hectic but I wouldn't trade any of it for all the peaceful days in the world. Well maybe I'd trade them for one day. Just one day though, anymore and it may turn into a lifetime. Don't judge me!

2. I just recently celebrated my 1 year SAHM-AVERSARY. I remembered it but no one else did. Story of my life, so next year I'm sending out memos; I expect a party. I am always looking for a reason to celebrate, once a year on my birthday is not enough. I love a good fiesta!

3. I enjoy body art. I love tattoos and piercings but I also understand that society is not as receptive to them as I am. All my tattoos are easily covered and my piercings are removable. My kids have asked if they can get a tattoo or a piercing when they get older. I tell them they can do whatever they want to their body when they're 18. But I do ask they come see me first, so we can talk about it and I can educate them. I think that right there, sums up my parenting method and who I am as a person.

Find Jenny on Facebook.

Chronically Sick and Sometimes Manic Mother
Meet Erin!!

1.  I would not consider myself a Christian, but a lot of people assume I am.

2.  I really am not a people person.  I like company, but I also am obsessive about having just me by myself time too.  I have been accused of hiding in my room so many times I can't count.

3.  Writing is theraputic for me.  That it helps another person in their struggle, only encourages me to keep at it.  I really don't think of myself as a really good writer.

Find Erin on Facebook.

Sister Serendip
Meet Gina!!

1.  One day last spring I was holding my four year old on my lap and trying to take some lovey-dovey Mama-daughter selfies when suddenly my iPhone started freaking out and taking pictures non stop.  Hilarity ensued, particularly this picture of me saying something like, "What the hell did I do to this phone?  Daddy's going to kill me."  It might be one of my favorite pictures of myself.

2.  All I've ever really wanted was to be a Mom and some sort of artist, particularly an actress.  (I honestly didn't put any thought into the marriage part of my grown-up life, but have amazingly lucked out in that department.)  I now have two daughters and three sons so the first part of that wish has been fulfilled fivefold.  I wrote my blog and act in a local social justice theatre company.  I'm super proud of my participation in North Jersey's Listen to Your Mother performances last May, presenting an essay I wrote called "Adoptive Parents are Assholes Too."

3.  Sometimes I feel like my blog is all over the place.  Most of the time I'm talking about cooking or crafts or the wacky shenanigans of our large creative family.  But since larger, more serious issues are an integral part of my life:  interracial adoption, attempts at maintaining an open adoption after foster care, surviving rape, I don't ever deny them and speak openly of them as well.

Find Gina on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

And that concludes this stop on the Blog Tour, as I pass it on to these 3 lovely bloggers.  Thanks again Mackenzie for including me on this tour!

Love and Laundry, and wishing you empty hampers,
the Laundry Fairy!

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