So, this brings me to the most recent award that I have won...the coveted, new blogger, Liebster award. The honor was bestowed upon me by the fabulous Traci over at A Day in the Life of a Drama Queen's Momma. Thanks so much Traci!! The trophy I received was so enormous in size, that I didn't want all of you to be TOO jealous, so I will just include a nice picture of the words, "Liebster Award, Discover New Blogs!" for you all to stare at with envy.
I know, it is quite lovely...beautiful even. Take a nice, long look at it...
Here's a blurb from my acceptance speech...which just happens to be written on the back of a very old Food Lion receipt that I found beneath my seat in the truck...nestled beside a petrified cheese doodle.
I will save you from having to read all of the glorious details, and just share with you the highlights.
"I would like to thank my mother for encouraging me to always do my best, for her gentle persuasions to not "play in the street" and "never use the hair dryer in the tub" and "always check the date on the milk"...her knowledge has proven to save me countless times. Thanks Mama!"
"To my older siblings, I owe you for all of my comedy talents. I also "owe" you for every single mean thing you have ever done...locking me out of you rooms, making me play alone, and that ever so famous fart on the pancakes incident of 1984...yeah, I haven't forgotten...but thanks!"
"To my children, I owe 95% of this award to you...because you 3 inspire just about every thought that goes through my mind and ends up on the screen in front of me. The other 5% I owe to my typing teacher from middle school...thanks!"
"To my husband, well, (never mind, he isn't going to read this anyway), blah, blah, blah, you, mean it."
This brings me to the questions that were sent over by "A Day In the Life of a Drama Queen's Momma."
1. What inspired you to start blogging? I actually started blogging as an attempt to start chronicling my children's lives, just for my personal interests. I had great intentions, but quickly realized that my children are hilarious...and that a lot of my daily observations should be shared...funny should ALWAYS be shared!
2. What are 2 of your biggest pet peeves? Geesh, ONLY 2....hmmm, let me see. One would have to be crunching (which would included smacking, slurping, or chewing loudly). Yeah, I totally grit my teeth just so I don't accidentally haul off and do a backhanded slap. Another pet peeve of mine is when someone drinks the last Diet Mt. Dew in the fridge...they are clearly ALWAYS mine....and the person guilty of the ingestion needs immediate reprimand.
3. Are you a cat person or a dog person? This is an easy question. NEITHER. Cats=hair and dogs=slobber. Enough said, let's move on!
4. What is a lesson that you so desperately wish your children would learn now (So you can stop repeating it)? I wished my children would learn how to hang their wet towels up. They have towel bars and hooks, and each one of them can surely reach them. Why oh why do they always end up a diabolical wet heap of terrycloth??? WHY!!!??
5. What is your idea of a "perfect date night" with your significant other? Wow, that's a hard one. A perfect night with my husband would start with a nice steak dinner...then a bonfire out in the countryside complete with s'mores, good music, and a warm blanket.
6. How do you feel about public restrooms? Any funny stories you can share about them? I absolutely hate a public restroom, but because I have children, I can tell you that I know exactly where each one is located within a 50 miles radius of home. Every single one. They are gross, nasty, and nothing ever pleasurable has ever come from using one. As for a funny story, I do have one. Just recently, I was in a stall trying to hover and know how it goes...and the lady who was sweeping in the bathroom was in the other stall and actually took the broom and TOUCHED my flip flop clad foot. There is no telling the amount of germs that was on that broom. The broom needed burning and thanks to that lady, my foot also needed a thorough Clorox soak.
7. What is your favorite thing to cook or bake? I would have to say my favorite things to cook are the things my children like to eat the most. Ribs, chicken & pastry, chili, country style steak...they are all things I like to fix. As for baking, I make the best chocolate chess pie you have ever laid in your good, you will want to slap your grandma!!
8. Are you a "lover" or a "fighter?" I am pretty sure I am more of a lover than a fighter. I have a list of "loves" a mile long, and just a few things that make me feel like I want to fight. As long as you don't mess with my babies, then there will be no need in fighting ;)
9. If you could publish something (other than your blog) what genre would you write? I would definitely write some kind of fictional mystery kind of imagination goes quite wild at times!
10. When and where did you get your first *real* kiss? Hmmm, let me take a quick walk down memory lane. I am pretty sure my first lip on lip contact was in the 5th a vacant room that was sometimes used by the AG class. I do remember his name, but I will keep that to myself!
So, now it is time for me to nominate some of my own favorite bloggers!! I nominate the following:
If you choose to accept this award, please refer to the "rules" at the bottom of this post and answer the following questions:
1. What inspires you to write what you blog about?
2. Where do you prefer writing in your home, where are you sitting when you crank out your best material?
3. What is your favorite scent...and does it take you to a different time and place when you smell it?
4. If you have 30 minutes of free-time, how are you going to spend it?
5. If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
6. If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would do?
7. What household chore do you absolutely loath having to do?
8. Replacing the toilet paper roll....over or under?
9. What 3 things would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
10. What does your perfect day look like?
The Official Rules Of The Liebster Award
If you have been nominated for The Liebster Award and choose to accept it, you must write a blog post about the Liebster award in which you:
1. Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link back to their blog on your blog.
2. Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget” on your sidebar.
3. Answer the 10 questions about yourself provided to you by the person who nominated you.
4. Nominate 5 – 10 blogs that you feel deserve the award. (They must have a less than 1000 followers.) 5. Create a new list of questions for those bloggers to answer.
6. List these rules in your post (You can copy and paste from here.)
7. Once you have written and published it, you then must inform the people/blogs that you nominated and provide a link to your post so that they can learn about it (they might not have ever heard of it!)
I am pretty sure that kids universally ignore the towel bar..I mean, WHAT'S a TOWEL BAR?! My kids couldn't tell ya. As for the public bathroom tale....WTH! I think I might have jumped and accidently peed on myself! lmbo ...And smoochin' in the 5th grade? You hussy! ;) Ha! Thanks so much for accepting your award! Love your blog :)
ReplyDeleteP.S. I seriously couldn't stop laughing at your acceptance speech! From the Food Lion receipt to your husband's lack of attention to your blog (huh. FEEL YA THERE SISTAH!) And the cake walk bit....pure brilliance! <3
DeleteThanks so for the hubby, he doesn't even know this really exists. He keeps thinking I am joking about it. Oh well!!!
DeleteI loved it!! Im excited, 2 awards in 1 week, my lifetime of awards doubled in 1 week.
ReplyDeleteBtw, your acceptance speech was priceless!
Thanks! It was fun to do...I really enjoyed it! Can't wait to read yours!